Can I print a poster at the library?
We can print posters up to size 24" by 36". Please email the file (type JPEG, PowerPoint, or Publisher preferred) and requested size to Questions may be directed to that email as well. Please allow three business days for printing to be completed. You will be emailed upon completion.
We can print posters up to size 24" by 36". Please email the file (PowerPoint or PDF preferred) and requested size to Also, make sure you have pre-set your poster size. Questions may be directed to that email as well. Please allow three business days for printing to be completed. You will be emailed upon completion.
We print posters for faculty and students. We will not print non-school-related material. The size should be 24" by 36" and in PowerPoint, emailed to Please send questions to that email as well. Please allow three business days for completion.