How do I access Turnitin?

How do I get to Turn it in? Do you offer plagiarism detection software?


Turnitin is the plagiarism software used by TROY.

Students should check with their instructor to see if they use it in their class. Not all instructors use it.

Note that how instructors use it will vary, e.g., some will allow the student to run their paper through it before submitting their papers for grading while others will not.

More information on plagiarism:

A word of warning/advice. Be cautious about using plagiarism services outside of TROY. If you submit your paper to an outside service, it may cause Turnitin to show your paper as matching another source (the paper you submitted to another plagiarism tool). Additionally, an unknown outside resource, saying that it will check your paper for plagiarism, may in fact be copying the content of your paper for resale to others.

  • Last Updated May 16, 2024
  • Views 66
  • Answered By Troy Librarian

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